It’s #pickling season! Trying out my new Kraut Source fermentation lid. Cabbage, radishes, and carrots.
The funky liquid leftover from lemony pickled cabbage with some dried chilies added 🌶 I don’t have room to keep it around. Slices of lemon zest made it more magical over time.
Hello #pickling friends! A quick stovetop pickle with golden beets.
Success with the lactic fermented tomato 🍅 #pickling experiment! Less garlic next time.
Ok shiny happy #pickling people, here’s some fermented rhubarb getting started, with orange peels and cardamom.
Back to important #pickling content. Lacto fermenting some tomatoes with garlic and some fresh green peppercorns.
This is basically a pickle / fermentation appreciation account now. Bought this kit at Welk’s today, plus two more lids & springs.
Currently reading: The Joy of Pickling by Linda Ziedrich 📚