It’s #pickling season! Trying out my new Kraut Source fermentation lid. Cabbage, radishes, and carrots.
Rain is exploding pink blossoms off the trees, plus spring crocus & magnolias. Just now feeling springlike in #Vancouver
Me, clueless, ordering a random lager on tap. @sonia, galaxy brain, asks for and receives a Guiness.
“many of the modular boundaries which had been drawn for docs are now in the wrong place for apps”,
@gordonbrander The internet is modular
This doc web vs app web continues to come up.
Countertop roasters at Prototype Coffee, all powered by ASUS Zenbooks. Sponsorship opportunity??!
It’s spring in #Vancouver. The “pink poofs” of various cherry blossoms are out, and Dosanko has sakura onigiri 🌸 🍙 on special.
AND: an amazing cat display at Oomomo!
Weekend adventures:
Shawn Hunt at @equinoxgallery.
Bottle shop at bistro & grocer Collective Goods.
Lemon tart from Flourist.
Vintage clothing at Slice of Life Mini Mart.
Happy Pancake Tuesday! German Eierpfannkuchen, served both sweet & savoury for dinner.
Exciting weekend adventures in Hastings-Sunrise.
London Drugs has a sale on German stuff, including this Kühne yogurt salad dressing, a favourite in our house.
Plus amazing selection at Pacific Bread Co. Best Kouign Amman in Vancouver!
Went for a long sunny & windy walk along the Richmond West Dyke Trail & Terra Nova. Ended the trip with a hot drink at Rocanini’s in Steveston.
As part of a studio clean out, I got to help myself to a couple of mortar & pestles. The collection has everything from ceramics, to brass, to science-y ones.
I ended up with a cast iron red one and a Japanese ripple ridge one.
Wandered around downtown checking out AR installations @winterartsfest.
Photos are @rachaelashe cloaked in Patternity by @soshallwork and the #GlitchGoddess soft sculpture by @TheMarjan
I did a quick walk & coffee this morning and listened to the free, short version of @rosano’s new Strolling podcast.
Now, sunny Woodland Park, paired with the member’s extended edition. Lovely to hear from Judy Perly of Free Times Cafe.
Sometimes you just need a big bowl of pasta with a ton of fresh parmesan. Tomatoes, garlic, onion, olive oil, chilies.
Just wow: TiddlyWikiPharo is @Tiddlywiki implemented in @pharoproject & #GToolKit.
Shared on the Talk TW forum & created by @offrayLC
An unusual #Vancouver sight: first footsteps in deep powdery snow, plus our snowy East Van street.
Apparently it’s going to rain today & turn this into an icy mess.
New year, new routines! Cappuccino and water to start the day (with global timezones on the wall), and a picture of the hang out room at @MakeshiftSpaces, cloud cover hiding Vancouver’s north shore mountains 🏔
I’m testing the beta version of @logseq mobile.
Currently uses iCloud for sync, including a funky bug where folder creation hangs, but it does work. Congrats to the LogSeq team for another great milestone!
An afternoon snowy walk on #BowenIsland: bridge & beaver lodge, ferns, and treetop wide view.
May your nights be warm & cozy, filled with the friends, family, & food of your choosing.
Today was a gloriously sunny day in Vancouver, although when we set out there was still black ice in many places.
We did a long walk along the sea wall to Granville Island, with a pic of Science World & the public market. Insert your own visions of snow capped mountains.
When you look at MY GitHub commits and want to hire me as a “core frontend engineer”, you’ve gone horribly wrong somewhere.
I did have a nice chat with a different engineering manager & got them to try out @fissioncodes. The reverse poach!
Great meeting up with @MikeGartner for coffee. A member of the #ToolsForThoughtRocks community. Thinking about meetups - a conference? - in 2022.
Whose problem is lack of OSS funding?
“If a bunch of hunters go out and shoot all the ducks to extinction, you don’t title an article that ducks have failed as a species, you say that duck hunting is a problem.”
via HN
A great write up on community tools & trade offs by @rosano, on his new Ghost blog.
There is no one tool to rule them all, but glad to see solid #opensource pieces available.