Today’s #eastvan coffee shop is Pallet. No rain and a touch of blue sky!
Plus: view from the corner of Meditation Park. East Van’s waterfront is mostly blocked off because it’s the commercial Port of Vancouver space. Wall Street has several small view parks like this.
Today’s outside time was a rainy walk & stop in at @timbertrain depot. I’m loving the super cute skull-with-toque design on the t-shirt.
I made a bunch of small, granular TODOs today. And I got a handful of them checked off!
Also generally wrote down my worklog for the day, which really helps with these micro tasks.
I will take the small feel goods as part of getting back to productivity.
I bought my Skipper Otto 2021 membership today. It’s a Community Supported Fishery (CSF) – you buy credits and order seafood through out the year.
I haven’t found the right CSA in Vancouver yet, but that’s another goal for the year. Suggestions?
Most of my work team and many other colleagues are east of me, time zone-wise. This means my mornings are full and I have to make time to get up and move around.
It’s cold and rainy, and nearby Woodland Park is filled with seagulls as I loop around to get some steps in.
“notfoundbot is a GitHub Action that helps you automatically maintain the correctness of your website’s outgoing links.”
I definitely need to run this on my archive.
Via Chris Wiegman’s post on leaving big tech, I learned about’s hosted Nextcloud service.
Happy New Year! Went outside for a walk along a soggy Jericho Beach. I’ve been sick for a week, with a negative COVID test in the middle. Glad to be feeling better and to have a new year ahead.
I’ve been sick with a bad flu since Christmas Day. 🤒
I went and got a COVID test first thing yesterday morning, and by last night I got notice that I tested negative.
A relief, but a pretty sucky way to spend Christmas downtime. Stay safe and be well!
I just finished N. K. Jemisin’s Inheritance Trilogy. Conveniently, it’s on sale right now.
Roland is working remotely with shifted hours, so he often bikes down to Revolver in the afternoons, Vancouver-time. I bumped into him in the rain.
Riad and I walked around in the rain, and then retreated for a green tea & a whiskey to catch up. Tech Nomads of the Universe is Riad’s book, which includes an interview with me. Predictably, I talk about community :)
I ended up buying an Arturia Keystep MIDI keyboard recommended by bgins. So cool to use this in a web browser with WebMIDI + Moon Forge. I really have no idea what I’m doing, but making sounds is fun.
And so it begins. Bought the sous vide machine that Jae told me I should get.
First time recipe: Pork Steak.
The websites must work without JavaScript debate makes total sense for the document web (see recent post by Remy Sharp).
It doesn’t make sense for the app web. Great JS (and WebAssembly!) powered apps are a good thing.
I added the latest post from my blog to my home page using’s sidebar.js.
@manton, can we get permalinks in sidebar.js?
Actually figured Apple Family Sharing with Rachael today.
But, since iTunes Match is essentially deprecated, I can’t share (for example) my Bandcamp tracks. So complicated!