I got my personal site imported into #LogSeq and have a workflow where I can edit on my phone or desktop and commit / push to GitHub where it auto builds to https://logseq.bmannconsulting.com
The graph view is always fun to play with even if it’s not useful ;)
Content warning: #FoodWiki tonight’s fish dinner
Made some Skipper Otto lingcod baked with Spanish white beans, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and capers, plus some mushrooms that needed using. Cumin, paprika, and salt and pepper.
#cooking https://foodwiki.bmann.ca/December%252016th%252C%25202022.html
Great background research by @mark on the usage of the term #multiplayer in #ToolsForThought https://embed.kumu.io/62f8200f8d68facc7a028cad9bf9851b#tft-community/e40855ba-f2f6-472c-bff8-938195016ed8
More in this thread https://toolsforthought.rocks/@mark/109516477250520249
After lunch at Kozak Eatery, a Ukrainian restaurant in #Gastown, I picked up some bread, a poppyseed pastry, and a sour cherry bun to take home. They have a mini bakery & deli at the front.
#foodwiki https://foodwiki.bmann.ca/December%252012th%252C%25202022.html
Is how I do posting too convoluted? Can one join the worlds of RSS and blogs with ActivityPub & microblogging?
Well, here’s my write up of how I’ve used the #MicroDotBlog features to import all of my Mastodon posts via RSS into my blog https://blog.bmannconsulting.com/2022/12/11/one-feed-to.html
Which you can follow at @boris@blog.bmannconsulting.com ;)
Thanks @manton
Went to the Brendan Lee Satish Tang & Sandeep Johal _New Works_ show at Gallery Jones yesterday.
* http://www.brendantang.com/
* https://www.sandeepjohal.com/
Plus a bonus Mira Song in the back room https://www.mirasong.com/
So it turns out #MicroDotBlog _retroactively_ imports your feed. See screenshot from my blog of my #ToolsForThoughtRocks account posts imported.
And hashtags link to a hashtag search on the server on which the account is - pretty cool.
New to me is that I can post here to my Mastodon account, and [use Micro.blog’s feed import feature to post to my blog automatically](https://micro.blog/manton/14824539).
Testing as of this post!
I was just looking for some other photos around that time, so this “Social Media Cabal at The Templeton” is also from 2008. Darren Barefoot, Monique Sherrett, and Megan Cole.
With a Globe & Mail newspaper on the table!
Memories from 2008 - @Miss604 posting this snippet from when I was the “third most influential online person in #Vancouver” https://twitter.com/Miss604/status/1601677515290193920
Post by @mjg59 on how #e2ee messaging needs more than #libsignal https://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/62598.html
Cryptography is hard! UX is hard!
We really do need to make it easier to be more secure with systems designed to be composed.
Went to the Krampusmarkt at Strange Fellows tonight: a craft & artisan market that runs all this weekend.
Wide view of the back room + our friends Hive Printing. https://strangefellowsbrewing.com/event/krampusmarkt-strange-fellows-brewing/
Went to the Krampusmarkt at Strange Fellows tonight: a craft & artisan market that runs all this weekend.
Wide view of the back room + our friends Hive Printing.
Thanks Langston Barrett https://langston-barrett.github.io/ for contributing to #TiddlyWiki https://opencollective.com/tiddlywiki
Robin Sloan’s lab newsletter has been making the rounds https://www.robinsloan.com/lab/new-avenues/
Lots of things to agree with here.
The last para describes what we’re trying to build at Fission: what if localStorage, but synced between browsers? #xp
Here’s @gordon presenting #Noosphere & #Subconscious https://youtu.be/tGdqG0Hzcjk
Just watched the Betaworks #THINKCamp demo day presentations https://www.betaworks.com/thinkcamp-demo-day
Lots of #ToolsForThought represented, many of whom have presented at a TFTRocks event in the past.
Another #TiddlyWiki Open Collective contributor just now. Thank you Eberhard!
There isn’t a Mastodon account for TW yet, although it will likely be on the Fosstodon server.
The Twitter account auto-posts a few things, including end of month summaries https://twitter.com/TiddlyWiki/status/1598104923098566656
Thanks @drhayes for becoming a contributor to the #TiddlyWiki OpenCollective! https://opencollective.com/tiddlywiki
For all three, I’d be using a #GithubActions flow in order to publish.
This means doing a Git check-in and push in order to publish, which means no publishing from mobile.
I’m thinking #LogSeq, with its mobile app, is best suited for what I want: management of everything from notes pages to blog posts.
For all of these, I might revive my #micropub setup using [[IndieKit]] https://getindiekit.com/ to make for easy live posting / publishing on mobile.
The reason I went this route before is because of the availability of mobile clients.
Given the growth of #ActivityPub, getting an AP compatible login could mean re-use of all the great AP mobile clients.
I now have three simultaneous conversions of my custom #Jekyll second brain / blog / archive.
(experimenting in parallel with git branches)
1) #TiddlyWiki - I can pour all the markdown in easily. The workflow of static publishing I’m just getting done & automated.
2) #LogSeq - static publishing currently uses hash routing which won’t index well.
3) #SilverBullet - brand new, I don’t like the split between tags and backlinks. Opinionated on file naming.
I did some more tinkering with #SilverBullet last night.
You can run it locally, so I had it on my desktop and then editing it from my phone in the living room.
This could be combined with @tailscale to just keep it running and be able to access from anywhere.
Formatting is a little wonky on mobile, and nowhere near as interesting as my current home page https://bmannconsulting.com
#dwarffortress - a legendary simulation game that’s been in development for 20 years - is out today on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/975370/Dwarf_Fortress/
Am I reading this correctly, that it’s Windows only???