Boris Mann’s Personal Blog

May 2010

Unplugging on Galiano


I'm in transition, so as part of that, Rachael and I headed over to Galiano Island for a short break away.

The picture above is from the top of Mount Galiano, which we hiked right after getting to the island and having lunch. It's a steep climb, but only about an hour up, and views like this make it totally worth it. The link above leads to Rachael's write up of the trip, with more detail and lots more pictures. Here is my Galiano Flickr set.

Christian was kind enough to be tour guide as well as lending his car so we could do a bit more exploring -- the island is really long and skinny and a car is basically required to go anywhere interesting (at least to non-long-distance bikers).

It was a great unplug, although it did once again get me to thinking about knowledge workers and rural Internet usage - it's the only way we are going to make smaller, remoter areas economically self sustainable beyond "just" tourist services (and it can help with those, too).