Boris Mann’s Personal Blog

Nov 2015

Very interesting. We currently use Quip for documents / notes alongside Slack.

Very interesting. We currently use Quip for documents / notes alongside Slack.

Mainly this is because Slack Posts don’t yet support multi-user editing.

For Howdy, posting to Slack Posts would be great.

I’m also interested in Slack bots that help with things like staff onboarding. The new person could ask questions: if the answer already exists, the bot replies with the answer and a link to where the answer is.

If the answer doesn’t exist, the bot asks a list of existing staff for the answer.

This is where I see true power in building up long term persistent knowledge inside companies.

For bonus points: harvest questions and answers by looking for Slack messages that end in ?, and collate the answers.

Almost like a real time Quora.

More bonus points: suggest answers from Quora!

In any case – well done, Howdy! Meetings is not something we do a lot of in our small team, but we’ll give it a try for some of these new features.