Awesome journals from your Instagram photos by @omegabloom
This sounds like something that @sachilefever would love
Frozen squid
Fake building
Moss on a walk signal in #Vancouver - yes, it rains here!
You have to be pretty bad ass to have a neck tattoo … of an ice cream cone
The cutest cat ever
Pipa & Oud players at #vancity branch relaunch from last night
First flight from new seaplane terminal (heading to Nanaimo for the day)
Vancity branch opening - @rachaelashe has a commissioned piece here
THAT is a cool use of Instagram
Child antlers
Child giraffe
Here’s @jmv getting the very best leaves at the top of the yarn tree #culturecrawl
SarahG with antlers at #culturecrawl
#culturecrawl giraffe has a hat (this is Chris Rich)
My dad @opahorst brought BBQ’d mini animals for our #culturecrawl lunch break
The giraffe is live at #culturecrawl (this one is @rosshj )
Our house slowly begins transforming into a studio / gallery for this weekend’s #culturecrawl
Remember when giraffes roamed the earth?
Pow! How about a hit of #red?
#gsd lives on
Fresh haircut & unbearded
Good info for when I need to #BBQ a whole animal #foodists
Antler girl loves her new raincoat
Missing #startupdrinks because of my new career as #papercraft engineer’s assistant, 2nd class
Lovely Bowen walk
Drink coffee
iPhone photography training
Costume under construction
Pepper crashed out on @rachaelashe ’s lap
At @rachaelashe opening in far off Port Moody
That’s @petesmeat holding some sweet Italian sausage
Pork rib chops @petesmeat
Pig butchery @petesmeat
Drinking bacon beer while we butcher a pig #foodists
Some day I’d like some crazy boots like these
Sushi Paradise Floor in New Westminster
Good morning, #Vancouver Harbour
Names of my childhood
PortMetroVan Bruce Voyce’s ‘Uncontained’ was the best #containerart
Secret @rachaelashe commission framing options
On the Greenheart Canopy Walk, testing @rachaelashe vertigo
Things I saw at Blim
There are a LOT of people at #foodcartfest
Indian sweets at $7/lb #foodists
Pig hearts marinating #foodists
Rainbows are everywhere this week #foodists
Country pâté from Rain Shadow meats #foodists
This is @rachaelashe getting her gizzard on (by @cangsam) #foodists
Roast pork hash at Coastal Kitchen #foodists
Morning birthday construction crew
We will buy your dreams #graffiti
rachaelashe watching @anneonbowen swim off Pebbly Beach
Grocery store display
Raspberries in the freezer
Interesting stuff stored at Public Dreams
At home with @leelefever and the #yarntree
Flying pig on the Street Meet truck
Salmon & huckle berries are ripe on #bowenisland
Barn full of tools
3D Printer Village at @makerfaire_van
Obligatory #haircut photo before BCTIA awards dinner
Great view, mediocre sandwiches
#spotprawns wok fried
Bar top samurai
Bread from Nelson the Seagull for lunch
Mary showcasing Nivole Moscato - tasty!
Home made donburi bowl + home made pickled ginger
Picnic carnage
Yuuki bathing at dinner
Big crowd as @rachaelashe sets up for demo at Opus
Celebrating craft beer week
Pink Elephant - said to be best Thai in town
Did you know that pickling octopus is easy?
Octopus tentacles for dinner
Big Maple Tree
Revolver display
Steaming #spotprawns
the @rachaelashe booth almost ready #gotcraft
Tartar of watermelon with mango by @mightyvanilla
Half pigs head #foodspotting (Fat Dragon)
Petal Parking
Neon cake squares
Tulips near a fountain
Blossoms & boat launches
Snail friend on #bowenisland
Snail friend
Corn hole
Smashed cucumber salad
Spring morning sun & blossoms
Watching @joseph_wu_origami make starlings at @alyxdellamonica book launch
Sidewalk dinosaur
HarvestUnion is open
Morning blossoms & shipping cranes
Rachael’s studio window sill collection
Lechon chopping
We love to see you win
Flame rain
Hand Soap
Wonder Meatball - Taiwanese snacks on Fraser
Whitecaps & Snowcapped Mountains
I love Famous Foods
Birthday whiteboard love from my team
Rainbow reflection
Mystery beer 12 pack from Trader Joe’s
Massive spread at Max’s always looks so good
Even under-ripe guava has a perfume that takes me back to my time in the south pacific
Smiling @RachaelAshe (after feeding)
Loaded crockpot
Stone dust
Fanciest bank ever
Chinese spam
Cartier mail boxes #wherepost
Tiles all over Grandview-Woodland