Boris Mann’s Personal Blog

Sep 2020

My bmannconsulting site is now a Jekyll-with-backlinks public notes garden #secondbrain, and it’s running on @FissionCodes.

🚧 I’m doing some funky DNS things so likely a little slow. 🚧

Sep 2020

I just backed @doctorow’s Kickstarter for an audio book version of Attack Surface, the third Little Brother book.

DRM-free to fight Audible, which has 90% of the market.

Sep 2020

Had a great get-to-know-you call with @JacobSayles, intro’d by @LeeLefever.

Jacob has a long history with coworking, and we ended up jamming on Community Land Trusts and related models for #Vancouver.

If you’re interested in creating new shared housing models — get in touch!

Sep 2020
Sep 2020

Hello #pickling friends! A quick stovetop pickle with golden beets.

Sep 2020

Fall 2020 Chromebooks for back to school in Canada

I always work across multiple machines and operating systems. I wrote up my laptop choices back in Feb 2020, and I ended...
Sep 2020

Custom Bags and Shipping IP vs Products

I’ve just ordered myself a custom Timbuk2 messenger bag. Custom? Yes, custom: you pick and choose fabrics and colours an...
Aug 2020

Bike Ride to Riley Park and Van Mural Fest at River District

Starting from the north end of Commercial Drive where we live, we did a grand loop and various adventures on the e-bike ...
Aug 2020

Went for a tour of the in-progress @vanmuralfest murals and met animalitoland at 7th and Ontario.

Aug 2020

Applying free shipping as well as a 100% discount in Shopify

There are 20 pages of requests for multiple discounts for Shopify to be able to apply free shipping. The way to do it wi...
Aug 2020

Sean @coates wrote up how he checked Canada’s COVID Alert app and submitted a fix.

Thanks Sean, & thanks to the Canadian Digital Service for source code availability & responsiveness!

Aug 2020

Montecristo Magazine talks about East Van alleys filled with oregano and other Mediterranean herbs. And yes, 6ft tall rosemary bushes are definitely common too.

Aug 2020

The Tyee’s story of how the Himalayan blackberry came to North America is really interesting. Attached are pictures of three different kinds I took on Bowen.

Aug 2020

I’m a fan of the Ghost blog in part because you can easily run it with one-click “Deploy to Heroku”.

Mike Haynes documented how to set Ghost up to support microblogging with title-less asides.

Aug 2020

Made my first salt-baked salmon tonight. Full step-by-step photos on @ATBRecipes. Definitely want to try more salt-baked things ;)

Aug 2020

Zettlr, an #opensource desktop markdown editor. Zettelkasten support, tags, and more.

via @brianwisti

Aug 2020

Made it into Columbus Meats for the first time in a long time. Their prepared roasts and other items are SO GOOD — although I didn’t buy any this time.

Aug 2020

Biked around Stanley Park, using the new bike lanes on the road. Relaxing and an awesome ride.

Photos are bike & chestnut tree at Brockton Point, and view to North Shore.

Aug 2020

Success with the lactic fermented tomato 🍅 #pickling experiment! Less garlic next time.

Aug 2020

I found @hecker’s “thoughts on Mozilla for people who don’t know Mozilla” to be a good read.

If you’re not in the tech industry, this adds lots of background.

Aug 2020

At the Riley Park Farmers Market. Stopped in at Farmhouse Cheese for quark and curds, and big line for Scavenger Coffee.

Aug 2020

“Lost in this billionaire slapfight…is the salient point that Epic is not actually wrong here.“

@imranzomg, writing for IGN on Epic vs Apple and Google’s app store policies.

Aug 2020

“If we want to maximize opportunities for safe social interaction, and build up physical and mental health, we need to socialize in parks”

Parks and Bars: Socializing with Lower Risk, SFU MAGPIE Group

Aug 2020

LinkedIn 1746

Chris Fralic of First Round Capital explains how to figure out what your LinkedIn member number is. Basically, go to you...
Aug 2020

We're all in the same lifeboat

The hashtag #MozillaLifeboat is highlighting the ~250 people laid off by Mozilla. Here’s Mitchell Baker’s of...